Knowledgebase / Billing / What billing cycles do you offer?

What billing cycles do you offer?

The billing method of OnionLand Hosting is based on your usage, also known as pay-as-you-go pricing. This means you only pay for what you use in each billing cycle. Our billing is flexible, allowing you to set up your onion service without being tied to fixed terms. For instance, if you only require your onion service to be active for 10 days, you simply pay for those 10 days, without the need to commit to longer fixed terms like a month.

We calculate your resource usage on a daily basis, and your account credit is also deducted daily. It's your responsibility to ensure your account has sufficient credit to keep your onion service running. If your account falls into a negative balance, your onion service will be removed without prior notice.

You can inspect your account's credit balance, the estimated monthly spent for your tor hosting, and the estimated due date of your credits by going to the "Credit" page on the customer portal.

You can inspect your account's credit balance, the estimated monthly spent for your tor hosting, and the estimated due date of your credits by going to the Credit page on the customer portal.

  • Billing Scheme
  • Account Credit
  • Account Balance
  • Pay As You Go
  • Billing Cycle
  • Flexible Billing
  • Usage-based Billing

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