Knowledgebase / The Beginner's Guide / Import SQL file to your onion service

Import SQL file to your onion service

If you have a SQL file and you want to move your data to your onion service, the guidelines outlined below can provide you with the necessary steps.

First, to export your database information from other data source, you can use phpMyAdmin. Click the table that you want to migrate.

First, to export your database information from other data source, you can use phpMyAdmin. Click the table that you want to migrate.

Click "Export" in the top navigation

Click Export in the top navigation

In the "Export method:" section, click "Custom"

In the Export method: section, click Custom

Scroll to the "Output:" section, for compression, select zipped

Scroll to the Output: section, for compression, select zipped

Scroll to the bottom, click "Export"

Scroll to the bottom, click Export

To start the SQL import process, navigate to our Customer Portal, click your Onion Service, and navigate to the "Database" tab.

On our Customer Portal, click your Onion Service, and navigate to the Database tab.

Scroll to the "Database Credential", you will see your dedicated database connection info and its credential.

Scroll to the Database Credential, you will see your dedicated database connection info and its credential.

Scroll to the "phpMyAdmin Credential", you will see your phpMyAdmin info and its credential.

Scroll to the phpMyAdmin Credential, you will see your phpMyAdmin info and its credential.

In the "phpMyAdmin Service" section, copy the phpMyAdmin link, and paste to the Tor Browser. The authentication dialog is shown, you should input the "phpMyAdmin" credential, which is displayed on our Customer Portal, in the "phpMyAdmin Credential" section.

In the phpMyAdmin Service section, copy the phpMyAdmin link, and paste to the Tor Browser. The authentication dialog is shown, you should input the phpMyAdmin credential, which is displayed on our Customer Portal, in the phpMyAdmin Credential section.

In the phpMyAdmin Service section, copy the phpMyAdmin link, and paste to the Tor Browser. The authentication dialog is shown, you should input the phpMyAdmin credential, which is displayed on our Customer Portal, in the phpMyAdmin Credential section.

The phpMyAdmin login screen is shown.

The phpMyAdmin login screen is shown.

You should input your database root credential, which is displayed on our Customer Portal, in the "Database Credential" section.

You should input your database root credential, which is displayed on our Customer Portal, in the Database Credential section.

You should see the phpMyAdmin landing page.

You should see the phpMyAdmin landing page.

Click "New" in the left hand side menu to create new database.

Click New in the left hand side menu to create new database.

Enter your new database name, for example, my_app.

Enter your new database name, for example, my_app.

The phpMyAdmin loading screen is shown.

The phpMyAdmin loading screen is shown.

The phpMyAdmin success message is shown.

The phpMyAdmin success message is shown.

Then, it will redirect you to the database tables screen.

Then, it will redirect you to the database tables screen.

Click the "Import" from the top navigation. The maximum allowed file size is 200MB. If your SQL filesize is greater than the limit, you can compress your SQL file in gzip, bzip2 or zip format. A compressed file must end in .sql.[compression], Example:

Click the Import from the top navigation. The maximum file size allows is 80MB.

After select the database dump file, scroll to the bottom, and click import.

After select the database dump file, scroll to the bottom, and click import.

The success message is shown after the import process.

The success message is shown after the import process.

  • Onion Service
  • Database
  • phpMyAdmin

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